Overgrown Title Screen


The best time to learn about gardening is when your life's on the line. You are stuck in a never ending forest, a lone mansion your only place of respite. The recluse of an owner tells wild stories of mutant insects out to take over the world, do you believe them? What you do know is that the plants growing in the mansion's garden are special, and the mutants don't like them very much. Place your plants strategically to ensure your survival, and you might live long enough to figure out more about your situation. Who knows, you might be able to save some lives in the process!


Platform: PC

 Tower Defense

Game Engine: Unity

Programming Language: C#

Text Language: English

Release Date: March 20th 2020

My Role

I played the role of a producer on this project. I was the main point of contact between teaching staff and our team. I was responsible for setting up team meetings, ensuring adherence to deadlines, and presentations during class showcases. I also served as the main writer of the project, doing tasks from creating characters to writing the entire script used for cutscenes in game.
