Julian Sollozo Jr.

Perspective Game Developer


My name is Julian Sollozo Jr, I am a current IT professional and a perspective game developer. I created this portfolio site to serve as a way for anyone to take a look at the work i've completed over the last few years. By clicking on one of the project cards below, you can be taken to a detailed description of each project. You can see info such as technical specs, all the way to my involvement in each project. The PAO Virtual tour is my latest project, and the first where I took the role of director. Virtually Lost is my currently running podcast that you can check out anywhere you can find podcasts. Lastly you can check out Overgrown, my college tower defence game project that I wrote and produced. Don't forget to check out my social media links at the bottom of this page. Thanks for taking a look around, hope you find something that you're interested in.

Completed Projects